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كثر من 55 برزنتيشن presentations


برزنتيشن عن مميزات النفق

Subway trains OR underground trains
Hi, good morning everyone, how are you today? thank you for coming, I’m (your name), what I want to do this morning is to tell you about the benefits of underground trains especially for Kuwait and I’ll show you some pictures of subways or underground trains, so I hope you will enjoy it and if you have any questions don’t be shy to ask, I’ll be very happy to answer them all.
Subways are railways built underground. The subway is a proven technology used in many cities around the world. The most famous subways include New York City, London, Paris, Tokyo and Boston. The majority of underground train systems are for community transportation. The big problem with subways that in today’s economic environment, it costs too much to build them so most of the cities that have underground trains built them many years ago when construction costs were much lower. Subways and underground trains help in many ways and they are the best solution for cities with a high population or high land value. Also, many people prefer to use the subway rather than drive because they can move quickly between the different parts of the city. For another thing, because of the high population in Kuwait, the numbers of cars increasing which leads to increase traffic jam problems all the time. So, the underground train is the best way to solve this problem because it helps to reduce traffic and to save time and effort. In addition, it helps people to reach their destiny in a very easy way and in a short time without facing any traffic in the road.
Finally, we can understand that traffic jam is a very big problem in Kuwait which needs support from the government to find many ways and solutions to solve this problem. In my opinion, I think that underground trains are the best mode of high-speed system and it’s a very helpful technique which helps in solving this problem so that the traffic will decrease in this high population state. Thank you for listening and now if you have questions I’m ready to answer them all .


 بزنتيشن عن منزل الاحلام

Dreaming house
Hi good morning everyone , thank you for coming, I’ m (your name) , and these are my friends , reem and hajer, today we will talk about the home of dream in future , I hope you’ll enjoy it I’ll leave you now with Hajer to tell more about it . and if you have any questions don’t be shy to ask we’ll be happy to answer them all.
The house of my dreams reflected who I was becoming. For the psychologist Carl Jung, building a house was a symbol of building a self.
Imagine if you could have any house you wanted. Money is no object. You can place the house anywhere in the world (or off it) and you can build the house from any materials you wish.
What would that house look like? What would be the color and ure of the walls, the shape of the rooms, the quality of the light?
When I was a child, I dreamed of a house shaped like a doughnut. Rooms would be arranged in a ring around a central courtyard, and the courtyard would have a glass roof, a steamy climate, and exotic tropical birds. All windows in this house would look inward at the courtyard. No windows would look outward at the exterior world. This was an introverted, perhaps egotistical, house.
For the psychologist Carl Jung, building a house was a symbol of building a self. In his autobiographical Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung described the gradual evolution of his home on Lake Zurich. Jung spent more than thirty years building this castle-like structure, and he believed that the towers and annexes represented his psyche.
Clare Cooper Marcus, a Professor of Architecture at the University of California in Berkeley, has written extensively about the relationship between dwellings and the people who occupy them. Her book House as a Mirror of Self explores the meaning of “Home” as a place of self-expression, as a place of nurturance, and as a place of sociability. Marcus spent years looking at people’s drawings of memorable childhood places, and her book draws on Jungian concepts of the collective unconscious and archetypes.
If the houses we live in are so significant, what about the houses we imagine? What do our wishes say about who we are?


Television is agood means of fun and small village.Television plays agreat part in our life.It is the outcome of modern science and tachnology.It has become agood means of communication and interinment.Through television,we get attached.We get attached to the world.It makes the world asmall village,Thanked to television,We can get in touch with to date current events all over the word television has also become a useful educational mesns we use it in scools and universities to make useful programs for ouir students.But television is a double edge weapon.It can waste our time of is misused.It can harm our eyes and skins due to the ultra violet rays it produces it can also show bad and undesirble programs wich are against our valuse and traditions.To use T.V
logically and resonanly to get the almost benefil


cats are tame cute animals .
Many people keep cats in their home .
Cats like to eat fish specially selmon fish . Cats body is covered
with soft hair . I have a cute grey cat in my home . I call her ” angel ” .
Angel likes to play with balls and wool ropes . I love my cat alot
but i and every one who owns cat should take care of it and take
it to the animals doctor every while . Cats are lovely ,kind,cute and tame
animals but when you hurt them they will be wild . i love cats .


 برزنتيشن عن التوأم

Twins world is full of secrets it’s a mystry world. The twins could be two ,three some times four or maybe more . Some people says that there are a strong spiritual relation ship between twins , and it’s lead to an inflow of ideas between them . The strangest thing with twins is during pregnancy how can two childs live in the place wich doctors belived it was designed for the growth of one child . Not all twins are similar but there are a difference in form with three quarters of twins in the world . Twins have a united feelings they together , cry together , wear clothes in same time and also feel hungry in same time that would make the mother crazy . Twins are very close from each other . Praise Allah,


برزنتيشن عن العمليآت التجميـل

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery Includes two types of operations , cosmetic operation and surgical operation .

In the cosmetic operation , the shape of nose , lips , skin or body is changed .

on the other hand , the surgical operation fixes the shape of any injured organ like nose , bone or body .

our god creates our shapes since birth, but sometimes people like to change their out fit and they want to be in a new look.

But these people are wrong because they change something that our god made it, this is in the cosmetic surgery like butox.

For the surgical plastic operation, the people may retain their out fit after accidents, or



Water turtles
I love turtles and turtle as a slow-moving turtles are divided into two categories : show and water and feed mainly on tortoise plant and the erosion of all the things that made, for example, have a T. soon : fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs, bread and the like.

The problem of environmental pollution has become a serious threat to mankind b fleeting but threatens the lives of all living organisms and plants It has emerged this problem as a result of the industrial and Els the sovereignty of the population over the years and environment pollution in Maan uh includes extensive pollution of the biosphere Bbah and lead to Tel % pw environmental organisms, such as microbes Bakt Rayya, viruses and fungi that also includes pollution of chemotherapy of the environment and lead to the pollution of the environment sprayings chemicals and gases and waste of factories and many m n chemicals have radioactivity This leads to Tallow radioactivity of the environment..

February a sacrd month for all the kuwaitis many reasons.First becaus it is the month of our independence secondly,it is the month our libretion after the iraqe occapation so our wise government held an economis festival last february to mark that holy occasion.In that festivel,all the big markets,supermarkets and big companis that happy occation the after prizes,descouts and competitions on ther products and good it turned out to be a cuitural and economis and social ceremony as culturad debates and discussuins were hild with great poets,writers and businessmen.That festival flourish the touristis and in that sacred economis aspects inside our country.We hope that fistivel will be hold every year in that sacred and beloved month “February”.

Hala February … In Hala February people celebrated the occasion of the independence of the investigation R. Kuwait at the date of February 26 and 25 in this Dispose Et Hbun people to the parks to enjoy the feast of national and all the people go to the march in the holiday home j and sprays used to play with each other and fall of march in all places in the State of Kuwait but more Allen PSV go to the Gulf Street to celebrate …
All people want to enjoy a clothing and watches the distinctive and I would prefer to use brands Chopard in usion and hours and all the things that these top model is Almmi 34th me and I also loved the costumes and accessories of Vaglb I wear accessories are brands Chopard These are some pictures of hours that I love every single one of us preferred brands and loves to wear in clothes and all things

Apple trees fruitful trees of pink and platoon Altva h word derived from the Persian word Tuta, also called the comfortable. There is merit in the apples is to remove fatigue. There are many benefits of apples, such as : – washes and boosted periodontal dentistry. 2-reduces the rates of cholesterol in the human body. 3 – concludes the human body of poisons. and the fruit of apple them feature in attacking viruses. 4-apples protects the rights of infection by avoiding it j helped digestion. 5-apple fruit containing large 30% of the total of fiber, and Hohad minimum daily amount needed by the c cm rights.

sweets and the best kinds of imported delicacies from Bahrain, and sweets made in the events that imports of candy shops in Bahrain from Chuitar are the colors of Hilo j are colored red, green, and the sweets Aman Ihmmezh verified Omani sweets reputation within the range Outside the country, known as a symbol of generosity and consented only hall and now love distribute the sweets for girls…

Kuwait is a beautiful country. And the features of the State of Kuwait beautiful and many of them : the Kuwait towers-city entertainment and zoo. The State of Kuwait is a good and safe person who comes to Kuwait and says they love become his second. For example, all go to a place we see people from other countries operate in Kuwait. Because of Kuwait give them salaries strong. Finally, I want to say that Kuwait is a good country and respects other people.

The English
English useful and easy life. And I love the English , because they help us in many things. Including : If we went to the foreign often tells us to understand and talk with them. English- became the first world and the most widespread in the world. And-English of science and scientific research. And a lot of things. There is also a lot of interest for the English is :-a reply to the campaigns of distortion through the use of . B-refute misconceptions and misperceptions about Arabs and Arab-Islamic culture. C-use of the English in the dissemination of the Islamic religion and Arab-Islamic culture. Finally d learning English helps in raising a good citizen who defends the values and is of the nation, and religion.

Shopping important thing for me because I love shopping and going to parks and pools. Not all markets I love, but some of the more something is : marinas financed and east. All the people who prefer shopping in order to enjoy the holiday and change the atmosphere. And I like to go to the market even bought some of the things such as : shoe-bags – Scharfe Many of the things. Finally shopping makes flexible spirit and sports.

There are many s and many in the world, including : Arabic, English, French, Chinese , and many s, but we prefer the Arabic , and every human being preferred is distinctive and I am the Arabic is the of Islam and the Koran, and all Arab countries speaks Arabic, and Arabic easy for us, and a lot of people learning Arabic say it it is often easy, and every person and every nation with the of choice and learned and learn Arabic like us because we preferred to say. Thank you girls …

Television is agood means of fun and small village.Television plays agreat part in our life.It is the outcome of modern science and tachnology.It has become agood means of communication and interinment.Through television,we get attached.We get attached to the world.It makes the world asmall village,Thanked to television,We can get in touch with to date current events all over the word television has also become a useful educational mesns we use it in scools and universities to make useful programs for ouir students.But television is a double edge weapon.It can waste our time of is misused.It can harm our eyes and skins due to the ultra violet rays it produces it can also show bad and undesirble programs wich are against our valuse and traditions.To use T.V logically and resonanly to get the almost benefil.

UAE. The United States of the Gulf which states that if I went out to enjoy it. UAE and many good people there and many of them good qualities and ornamental objects. Characterized Emirates lute, and they want many things. The people of the State of Kuwait loves Emirates often because there has a beautiful markets and festivals and places of entertainment. Disregarding linked with Kuwait than things, but I can enumerate it many. and I better to go in vacation time.

Nature.Nature beautiful and I like to think that I have this picturesque everywhere. And of course the nature of God is that He bestowed on us. There nature in many places and often see in the beautiful gardens and consists of flowers and the beautiful mountains and enjoy the atmosphere and send our own comfort and reassurance.
street road accidents
Every day we hear about car accidents.People are killed or injuured in thes road accidents.Careless and rash drivers their cars carelessly so they cause accidents.Some irresponsoble drivers and young people drive the car so fast that can’t cantrol thier cars.They don’t resoect traffic rules regulations.Governments should punish these careless drivers severely.


I love sports and many of them: the first sport is basketball is a game of sports, plays in the game two tries each to make the largest number of points. In each group there are five players, and they are divided on several points. The second is the sport football. The football one of the most common sports in the world and the oldest. The nature of play is involved in the game, two each consisting of one each of the eleven players (ten players, and guard goalkeeper). I love sports


” How to make your life happy ??! “

Hi, today I went to talk about an important problem in our life, the problem is:

“How to make your life happy??!”

Many people think that the life be comes happy by having money or being rich.
But the true is? To have a happy life you have to obey God by doing things your God commands us to do like: praying the five prayers in the exact time, going to Hajj or Omrah, reading Quran.
The 2nd thing is obeying your parents especially your mother because the Para Dise is under feet of mothers.
And don’t forget your father because he working hard to make your life save and best.

Finally I wish you to have happy life and good life.


برزنتيشن عن التفااااااااااااح

Apple trees fruitful trees of pink and platoon Altva h word derived from the Persian word Tuta, also called the comfortable. There is merit in the apples is to remove fatigue. There are many benefits of apples, such as : – washes and boosted periodontal dentistry. 2-reduces the rates of cholesterol in the human body. 3 – concludes the human body of poisons. and the fruit of apple them feature in attacking viruses. 4-apples protects the rights of infection by avoiding it j helped digestion. 5-apple fruit containing large 30% of the total of fiber, and Hohad minimum daily amount needed by the c cm rights.


برزنتيشن عن الكويييييييييييت

Kuwait is a beautiful country. And the features of the State of Kuwait beautiful and many of them : the Kuwait towers-city entertainment and zoo. The State of Kuwait is a good and safe person who comes to Kuwait and says they love become his second. For example, all go to a place we see people from other countries operate in Kuwait. Because of Kuwait give them salaries strong. Finally, I want to say that Kuwait is a good country and respects other people.



Why did the Ancient Egyptians build the pyramids?
Pyramids were built in Ancient Egypt as tombs, or burial places, for Egyptian pharaohs, or kings. The Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, so it was very important to them to protect the bodies of their pharaohs. In order to keep the body of the pharaoh safe, the insides of the pyramids were like mazes with secret doors and dead-end passages. The pharaoh would be near the bottom or even underground. Other rooms contained things like jewelry and furniture that the pharaoh might want in his next life.
How did they make them so big?
In Ancient Egypt, there were no tools to build with or trucks to move things with. The Egyptians had to use their hands to make big blocks out of different kinds of sand, clay, and stone. After they made the blocks, they pulled them up big ramps onto the pyramid.
The largest pyramid ever built was over 450 feet high!! It is called Khufu, but most people just call it the Great Pyramid. It is taller than the Statue of Liberty!! Take a look…

The pyramids are the last wonder of the ancient world – the only ones that haven’t been destroyed by time. We can learn a lot about the Ancient Egyptians from what we find in the pyramids. Finlly I hope the you enjoy lisinig to my presentation


swine flu is an infection caused by a virus. It’s named for a virus that pigs can get. It can spread from human to human. It causes fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache and chills. You can protect yourself by avoiding close contact with sick people, washing your hands often and avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth


My last summer holiday was very special. I studied about Quran and read many useful books. I enjoyed our time with my family. We went to many restaurants and shopping malls. Ramadan made our holiday more special. After Ramadan we welcomed Eid Al feter. Then we welcomed the new year with a smile and a happy soul.


Chocolate is my favourite sweet. We get it from the tropical cacao tree. It was known first in Mexico and South America. We to it add butter, sugar, milk, nuts and more. Scientist say that chocolate is good to the heart and can lower blood pressure. They say that dark chocolate is good the health. In another way eating a lot of chocolate can cause diabetese and teeth problems. There are many factories that produce chocolate like kitkat, timeout and flake and my favourite one is galaxy


برزنتيشن عن حفلات الزواج

Our current wedding parties are very different than ones in the past. In the past wedding parties were cheap while nowadays they are very expensive. The whole society could join the party but nowadays only limited number of people can. They were held in tents near the house, while they are held in 5 stars hotels nowadays. The bride and the groom used to wear coloured clothes while they are sticked with the white colour now. Sometimes I wish that I lived those past days and tasted the sour of the old simple wedding parties.


برزنتيشن عن البلاك بيري

The BlackBerry is a smartphone that is widely used in everywhere. It’s used for its wireless email handling capability. Blackberry reads email calendars. There are many Blackberry types. I bought one from two months and I really love it specially that I can chat with my friend on msn through it. I really love BlackBerry.


برزنتيشن عن الفيتامين ..

A vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism.A compound is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. Thus, the term is conditional both on the circumstances and the particular organism. For example, ascorbic acid functions as vitamin C for some animals but not others, and vitamins D and K are required in the human diet only in certain circumstances.The term vitamin does not include other essential nutrients such as dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, or essential amino acids, nor does it encompass the large number of other nutrients that promote health but are otherwise required less often.

Vitamins are classified by their biological and chemical activity, not their structure. Thus, each “vitamin” may refer to several vitamer compounds that all show the biological activity associated with a particular vitamin. Such a set of chemicals are grouped under an alphabetized vitamin “generic deor” title, such as “vitamin A,” which includes the compounds retinal, retinol, and many carotenoids. Vitamers are often inter-converted in the body.


برزنتيشن انفلونزا لخنازير

swine flu is an infection caused by a virus. It’s named for a virus that pigs can get. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. The virus is contagious and can spread from human to human. Symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.there is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu. But you can protect yourself by avoiding close contact with sick people, washing your hands often and avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth

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برزنتيشن عن هذا عن الصداقة أو الفرندشب
Friendship is the cooperative and supportive relationship between two or more people. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other’s company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as the exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for some, the practical execution of friendship is little more than the trust that someone will not harm them.


برزنتيشن عن الكيك

I love cakes alot
mom made a big cake for my birthday
cake comes in different shapes and flavours
i love chocolate cake
my sister loves strawberry cake


برزنتيشن عن الياهل

My Baby Brother

We have a new baby

He is a baby boy

My baby brother needs many things

a crib, a cradle, some bottles and some toys

sometimes my baby brother is no fun

He sleeps a lot
He eats a lot

He cries a lot
he makes Mum very busy


برزنتيشن عن الهوايات
My favourite hobby

My favourite hobby is reading stories.

I read stories in my freetime.

I enjoy reading stories in the school library.

My favourite story is Tom Thumb


برزنتيشن عن الكمبيوتر

the computer is very important
i can draw and write with the computer
i can see lots of pictures and play games
i enjoy the computer class in my school
i always turn the computer off when i finish


برزنتيشن عن شرطي المرور

The policeman

The policeman works at the police station.

He works very hard to keep our country safe.

when I grow up I want to be a policeman



Music is an art that puts sounds together in a way that people like or find interesting.

Most music includes people singing with their voices or playing musical instruments.

There are many kinds of musical instruments such as the piano, guitar, or drums.

Someone who is making music is called a musician.

People can enjoy music by listening to it, by singing or playing it or by composing it


1- My country

The UAE is one of the Arab Gulf countries .It lies on the Arab Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia and Oman. The capital is Abu Dhabi . Oil industry is the main product of the country. The UAE has a population of 5 million people. The national is Arabic . Islam is the main religion. The National Day is on the second of December. The total area of the country is about 83,600 square kilometers. The UAE consists of stony and sandy desert. The landscape is mainly sand-dunes and mountains. The weather is cool and pleasant in Winter while it is hot and humid in Summer. The UAE is a picture of diversity in its natural features.

2- Pollution

Polluting the environment has become a serious problem in each country. There are many pollutants such as cars and rubbish. Dumping waste in the sea causes water pollution. Also, cutting down forests and poaching animals will destroy wildlife. I think that we should use unleaded petrol and fit cars with converts which remove many of the harmful gases. Laws should be issued to ban polluting the environment. Finally, planting more trees will help us to solve the problem of desertification

3- Desert

Deserts are definitely one of the harshest places to live. They are massive and cover about 40% of the worlds land area. They are full of sand dunes and oases. Some deserts consist mainly of stones and rocks, with no sand in it. The temperature in these kinds of deserts is very hot and dry. Other deserts like the Canadian Tundra is very cold. People can’t live in deserts because of the temperature and the lack of water. Only Bedouin can live there. They use the camel as a means of transport. Some kinds of animals reptiles can live in the deserts like the camel, the fox ,snakes, scorpions . . .est. The rain is very rare in the hot deserts. The thorny plants can live there. In short, deserts are not the right place to live in because of the weather and the lack of water.

4- The importance of sport

Sports and exercises play an important role in our daily life. Everyone can benefit from exercise. You should do some physical activity at least three times per week. Regular exercise will keep your heart and lungs healthy, make you stronger, keep you healthier, and make you look better and make you feel better about yourself. Sports strengthen the body function of people and preserve the youth of them. I advise you to make some time to practice sport in order to have a happy and healthy life.

Write three sentences about:
Your country
1- It is located in the Middle East.
2- It is bordered by Oman and Saudi Arabia.
3- The weather is cold in Winter but it is hot in Summer.
How to keep fit and healthy.
1- You should eat balanced diet.
2- You should play sport.
3- You should avoid snacks
1- They are very dry.
2- They are covered with ice, sand and rocks.
3- The people of deserts are nomads.
How we can protect our environment from pollution
1- Let’s enforce a law.
2- Why not employ more garbage collectors.
3- How about educating people about pollution.
How we can prevent and avoid illness.
1- You should eat and sleep well.
2- You should keep the bathroom clean.
3- You shouldn’t go to small places.

Free time……برزنتيشن عن وقت الفراغ

On school days I don’t get long free time because of too much homework I have to do. I usually get two free hours every day. Then I can do what I like. I thing that watching T.V programmers is more interesting than watching video films. In my opinion, I think reading magazine is enjoyable and it’s boring to read books and newspaper. I like to spend my holiday with my family; we usually go together to shopping center and some times to the cinema. On weekend, I prefer to visit my friend and spend lovely time with hear in her house.

Wild life……برزنتيشن عن الحياه في البريه

Whales are found in most seas, but all the large species of whales are in danger of becoming extinct. Although whales are protected by the international agreement, they are hunted by the whaling countries Japan, Norway and others for their oil and whale’s oil and musk, pet food and fertilizers. How caught whales are cashed by fast catcher boats then are killed with weapons, guns. After that they are taken to factory ships.\Finally they are cut up $$$$$d and turned in to oil.

A letter to a party……..برزنتيشن عن رساله دعوه لرحله

Dear hanan,
I am inviting some friends on my birthday party next week on friend night, at 8 pm in my house.//It’s going to be an amazing birthday party. There will be some music equipment which we are going to play on, so we can sing and dance. //At the end of the party, we are going to get out to garden to play and grill some steaks. //So you are invited to my birthday party, if you want to bring your small sister because there will be a funny clown and some thing to children.
See you soon.

Childhood memories……… برزنتيشن عن ذكريات الطفوله

When I was eight I used to live in the same house as I do now. ALi, Mohammed, and Noor used to be my best friends. I used to like chocolate, Pizza and ice cream, but I didn’t used to like fish or rice and I never used to drink milk. Barbie used to be my favorite toy, which I like to spend long time playing with it. The water garden, Adari park and Salmania park used to be my favorite places. //But I used to hate to go to school and hospitals. When I was little I used to like riding bikes. Swimming and watching T.V and I always wanted to be a doctor.


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